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BeSwole Blog posts

Xamarin forms - Stop/Cancel back button event

We've all been there, set with the task to ask the user if they're sure they really want to go go back and loose the work/information on the current screen. The trouble is that if you were to Google search for just that, you'd find almost every answer says you need some sort of custom handler for each device. We can't accept that can we? Will we? No. - read more.

8 Mar 2017 - 8 Comments

FirebaseInstanceId: background sync failed: INVALID_PARAMETERS

Another annoying but simple to fix issue with installing Firebase Cloud Messaging on a Xamarin Forms project and getting it running. - read more.

22 Feb 2017

System.TypeLoadException: Could not resolve type with token 0100017e

Why does the System.TypeLoadException: Could not resolve type with token 0100017e error happen and how to fix it. - read more.

24 Jan 2017

Fixed: Visual Studio Xamarin - 'The ResolveLibraryProjectImports task failed unexpectedly'

Sometimes pops up during a build and remains persistent on a random line that has nothing to do with what it actually means. Fixing this error could be a massive waste of time for such a simple fix, if only you knew that this is yet another one of those typical Visual Studio errors that no not mean what they say and actually mean something completely different. - read more.

15 Jan 2017 - 1 Comments

Replacing the Xamarin Header/Navigation bar with a custom view/template

See how to replace the Xamarin Header/Navigation bar in Android iOS and Windows Phone with a custom view/template that lets to define it once for it to work on every page. A very simple and awesome solution. - read more.

10 Jan 2017 - 14 Comments

Fixed: Value cannot be null Parameter Name: source

This is definitely an odd way to report the error that's actually happening, but as always there's always one error in a project where you think. What the hell is that? Value cannot be null Parameter Name: source usually happens on an IEnumerable for one reason. - read more.

8 Jan 2017 - 1 Comments

Xamarin Vertical align a Label within a Grid Cell

Some people have had trouble vertical aligning text tot he center of a Xamarin Foms Grid Cell, the answer is to add three simple attributes. - read more.

8 Jan 2017

Solved: 'Debug/ibTool/LaunchScreen.storyboardc/Info.plist does not exist' Xamarin

Simple solution to a problem in Xamarin for iOS that might otherwise have you pulling your hair out for hours. - read more.

3 Jan 2017 - 1 Comments

Fixed: A route named 'umbraco-surface-BaseRoute' is already in the route collection

Here I discuss why the error 'A route named 'umbraco-surface-BaseRoute' is already in the route collection' happens and how to fix it. - read more.

25 Dec 2016

Persistent views across multiple pages in Xamarin Forms

In this post, I discuss what's required to keep a view persistent across multiple pages in Xamarin forms. This is useful for when you want to display messages or custom overlays for the user of your app. - read more.

13 Dec 2016